229 Hampton Rd, South Fremantle, WA

Picture of PAM SMITH


Central Australia – An Amazing Place To Visit All Year Round!

Central Australia is home to a wealth of beautiful sights. The landscapes here are completely out of this world, in fact! There is so much to see and do. You can visit the Olgas, Uluru, Palm Valley and Kings Canyon. And how about Alice Springs? Here, you can see the McDonnell Ranges changing colour all throughout the day. The vistas here are totally magical! In addition, a ‘must’ when you’re in Alice Springs is Journey The Dreamtime. This 90-minute Aboriginal culture walking tour introduces you to the cultural and natural environment of the area and is well worth doing.

While you’re in the area, try to visit the Ilparpa Claypans situated 15 km south-east. This is a series of small pools that look amazing when they fill with water after the rains!

Our country is one of great beauty and history. We owe it to ourselves to get out there and enjoy it!

At Eagle Wools we are all about having a bit of harmless fun. This information has been sourced online and we can’t verify the accuracy of any of it so don’t go referencing us on your school essays.

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